Sunday, 20 March 2011

HW weekend 18th March 2011

1. When did Sudan begin exporting oil?
Sudan start sxporting oil in 1999. 

2. Which country is the major consumer of Sudanese oil? 

3. Why is this fact important in the Darfur situation?

4. What are the sources of the conflict in Darfur? 
The problem began when the people contest against the government. The black arabs also protesting because they were told that they were not being the right religion. So the government sending out armies to kill those who are on their way. And the armies goes crazy, killing innocent people, r*ping women and so on. But the government avoid any contact with the armies and they are telling lied to the world. So wrap up, we have this

1. Discrimination and denial
2. The Janjaweed and the government avoiding the truth
3. Displacement caused by the Janjaweed

5. Who are the Janjaweed?
The armies, people that ride horses and going killing people. In other words "Devil on a horse"

6. What role have the Janjaweed assumed for the Sudanese government? Why?

7. What is the religion of the Janjaweed? 

8. What is the religion of most people in Darfur?
75% are Muslim, 25% are Christian and other local religion. 

9. What has become the role of the neighboring country of Chad during the Darfur conflict? Why? 
It involce a twisted history. The conflict in Darfur link to the civil war of Chad in 1998-2002. Chad just sit there and whistle because they are afraid of Sudan. 

10. How has the role of Chad changed?
In order to pass a resolution in the General Assembly, only a majority is necessary. These are mere recommendations however. For the truly powerful resolutions, the Security Council must issue them. In this case, a majority of nine out of 15 is necessary, and affirmative votes or abstentions from all the permanent members.

11. How have the following responded to the crisis in Darfur?

United State of America - They were deeply concern about hurting innocent people and don't want solve using violence. But France already drop the bomb.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Homework Tuesday 11th January 2011

1) Life in Vietnam would be perfect if everyone were totally equal.  Do you agree or disagree?  Explain your answer in complete sentences.
 - I'm disagree with the idea that everyone is equal like in the story Harrison Bergeron because it means that no one is better than another. The country might not be able to run and developed like other countries. Example there is a person that is really smart and he/she can help the country to be better by their knowledge, but they are prohibited to be smarter and force to keep their knowledge average. And in the country, there will no longer "more beautiful, more function, more ugly..." If everything is equal then people don't a any choice when they want to choose the things that they like. It will probably make the citizen's life become worse.

You are designing a society in which everyone is equal. What are the laws?
  • All people that their brain are way more than average is must wear a handicap to their ears.
  • You can take those off when you are sleeping only. 
  • No seperate gender, ages or nationality. Treat everyone equaly. 
  • Anyone disober the rules can be put into jails for a specific amount of time. If the crime are too dangerous, they have to be eliminate.  

What would you do to help people who were less capable mentally, physically, or socially to “catch up”? 
I'm not agree with the idea people being all equal. So I'm say this in a democracy government
  • Send teacher or home tutor to help them gain their knowledge become better. 
  • For disable, send them a disable hospital or have someone take care of them. 
  • Less capable, I understand it as orphans or homeless people. I will send children to the orphan and someone will adopted them as their children.  

What problems can you foresee that might come in a society with laws that force “equality for all”? How would you handle those problems?
Problems :
  • Country will go down because the citizens are avarage, can't think on their own and some are very stupid.
  • Some people will disobey the rule and take a step before the government can arrest them. Like Harrison. 
  • Not only the people that make te country better, the government is the head of a government, they will help the country to be better. 
  • Increase the number of police and guard. Try to catch the traitor. 

Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature make sure that some people would eventually dominate others?
 The believe that everything is equal is not possible. Base on the characteristic of human nature. Even if you use machine and force to keep their ability the same to other. Their inside will be feeling jealousy or pity and that will lead them to the point that they understand that equality is not possible in real life world. And eventually, some of them will go against the government at a time soon.

In what situations have you felt similarly to any of the characters? What persons, places, or ideas from your own experience came to mind while you were reading this story? Try to list as least two examples.
  1. The first one is I felt sorry for George because he got disturb a lot when he's trying to think, example when he's about to think of an idea that there shouldn't be any Handicopper General, a sound buzzed him. Just like Mr. Blake suddenly shout and I lost what I was thinking. 
  2. Long time ago, a friend tell me to just get a low grade for once and get to relax early at night. I said that it was not a good deal at all.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Homework for Wednesday 3th November

1) How does advertising influence consumption?
When people watch a advertisement that really attractive and match their hobbies, they will buy it even though they don't really need it. So that will increase out footprint in the world wasting fossil fuel, gasses, metal and all another natural resources. But if people advertising about people using too much natural resources, maybe people can chang the way they spend shopping and that could help a lot.

2) Do you think citizens are sufficiently informed about the sustainability of our consumption habits? If not, how can we become more informed about sustainability issues?
I think some people are not very  very informed of their consumption. We can recycle it like paper and water. When you buy something, think clearly about it and maybe choose something that is the closet to sustainable or something that are sustainable. If they are not sutainable, maybe you should use it for a long time instead of buying new things everyday. 

3) Do you think these advertising techniques influence what you and your friends purchase?
It will effect our purchase in some way. In one year, we definitely need to buy a lot of things that are advertised and not. But sometimes, the advertisement is just so great and you can't resist to check it out... You have to go buy it and try so it will effect the purchase.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

The story of Migration

This is a true story of my freind moved from Soc Trang to Ho Chi Minh City for a better life. Her name is Hoang Kim yen. She was born in 1994. I knew her on a, a forum for sports. Her family gas been farming fo r a long time gao and it keeps goig for over 2 generations, but her generatin doesn't want to do farmking to make a living. They wanted to make more money to provide education to theuir family. Also because of the econimic peoblems. her familty heard that Ho Chi MInh ciry is the best place to make a living. Its havs schools, hospitals, companies that ned people to work for them

The first day of the journey. her family pakced up all the things that they needed to go. her mom and ddad saved up lots of money before they leaved. When they first got here, her family want to their relative house sand stayed there for a while. She was only seven years old back then and immediately went to school to study. I don't reallty remember whawt school uit is, but that's what she told me. her dad and mom went looked for a jobs in city and they found one. Thier job is to deliver newspapers. At school, she tied her best to get a good grade because she knew it was heard for her parent to paid money for one month at school. She got a long with everyone tghere and met a lo9t of new friends. She lied to live in Ho Chi Minh City now and doesn't want to back the rural area anymore. The ecoonic was good and they bought her and her brother a compiter. Their life was. theuir life was just perfect there. She studied wall; her parents got a good job and they saved money well. Everything had change for ehr and looked like she totally forgot about where she came from. One day, her dad told her:
" We've been here for a long time now. I think we should go back to Soc trang to visit our homeland."
"Like a vacation?"
"yeah! We will stay there for one wekek. You know, it's good to remember who we are and where we come from."

Yen was shock after jhearing her father said it. The reason is, she totally forgot about Soc Trang, totally forgot it. She felt ashmaed and horrible. Shee told herself not to forgot about Soc Trang, the taste of it, the smeel of it and her memories of it. At that time, she wanted to go back to Soc Trang as soon as possible. But she new one thing, she can't live there forever now. Her family is better in Ho Chi Minh City. She will grow up here, go to university and get a job. She would definitely will go back to Soc Trang again!

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Homework for Wednesday | "A message from Mother Nature"

1) What is the main point of this article? 
In my opinion, the main point of this article is to tell people that the earth is changing and it cause a lot of damage for human living

2) List four vocabulary words and look it up: 
+ Dozen - a infinite of number
+ Reluctant - struggling in opposition
+Skeptic - a person who doubt a belief or a religion.
+ Torrential - flowing of something rapidly.

3) What is the different between "weather" and "climate"?
Weather can change from day to day but climate stay the same and doesn't change in a long period of time.

4) What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”?
- Flooding in New England, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma.
- Record breaking heat wave destroyed million of acres.
- Torrential monsoon rains in Pakistan. 

5) What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”?
- I never had any experiences with extreme weather

6) What does the word “perception” mean?
- The word perception means the understanding of an issue and knowing what's happening around us. 

7)  What is your “perception” of global climate change?
- Changing is nature, we can change it will go on but we can't stop it.